Too Much Information Comic Wiki

Welcome to the Too Much Information Comic Wiki[]

A comic about an old house, a geek, a cute transvestite, a tall lesbian, and several ghosts - with guardian angels, personal demons and not-so-alien aliens.


The URL for this wiki will change from to fandom in the near future.

Too Much Information[]

This is the fan wiki for the Too Much Information comic. The comic can be read online for free here: RSS


AndyOh MLP

TMI is updated on an irregular basis by AndyOH! Andy also has a page on deviantart.

WARNING: This wiki contains spoilers. Read the comic first.

TMI started on 13/12/2004, to hundreds of strips since. In late 2017 the TMI Comic wiki suffered a data loss event resulting in the loss of the archives and much of the content. In early 2018 AndyOh! started to rebuild TMI. The old TMI content can be found through the WaybackMachine, Google Cache, and is reposted as compilations.

TMI is referenced by:

Latest activity[]
